Daily Archives: July 27, 2019

2 posts

Say Yes to Holiness Newsletter #19

I just realized that I have neglected to post my weekly Say Yes to Holiness newsletters here on my blog in addition to sending them out as a weekly email. (Duh!) My Newsletter is designed to inspire, encourage and challenge people to strive to live lives of holiness in the midst of the challenges, joys, and struggles of daily life. I will try to rectify my oversight going forward, but in the interim, please enjoy my latest newsletter that I sent out this week. God bless! Say Yes to Holiness Newsletter #19 Greetings, my Fellow Pilgrims! Food for the Head […]

Finding God in All Things

I was reading a beautiful article by Bishop Robert Barron that described one of the key ideas of the spirituality of St Ignatius of Loyola and it is also an underlying principle and part of the rationale for why I created and made my own First Things First online course (you can check out a description of the course here). In the midst of life, I have found that it is the ability to have “eyes to see and ears to hear” how all the people, events and circumstances in my life are interconnected, in addition to seeing and hearing […]