
19 posts

“Using Lent Well On The Path To Holiness”

This week’s podcast goes a little deeper into how living Lent well can increase your growth in grace on the path to holiness. Some of the Food for the Head, Heart, Hands and Feet shared in this episode: Discussion of why Lent is such a wondrously grace-filled journey for the entire Body of Christ Conversation about what St Augustine was talking about when he exhorted, “Charity is no substitute for justice withheld” Suggestions for resolutions for how to take what is in this podcast and apply it to your daily life If you are striving to grow in holiness and […]

Am I Experiencing Contemplation In My Prayer Life? This Article Helps You Discern Arightly

Absolutely PHENOMENAL article by Dr David Torkington posted on Spiritual about meditation and contemplation. and In particular, Dr. Torkington provides a beautiful insight into understanding how these aspects of prayer are at work within the spiritual life by giving a broader understanding of several prayer practices that speak of how one “enters contemplation.” This article is illuminating and insightful, and my hope is that it helps as you are finalizing your preparations for Lent, too. Prayers that you continue to do whatever it takes to continue on the road to holiness so together we can tell the Master of […]

Busy? Here’s A Prayer For You…

I recently came across this prayer entitled, “Slow Me Down, Lord” sent out in an email from US Catholic, and wanted to share with each of you: Slow Me Down, Lord Slow me down, Lord, slow me down! Ease the pounding of my heart by the quieting of my mind. Give me amid the confusion of my day the calmness of the everlasting hills. Break the tensions of my nerves and muscles with soothing music of the singing stream that lives in my memory. Help me to know the magical restoring power of sleep. Teach me the art of taking […]

THE Key To Receiving ALL the Graces God Desires To Give You And To Grow Closer To Him

On the journey to grow closer to God and become more like Jesus, it can be difficult to understand how our prayer life, the sacraments and making progress in the spiritual life all fits together. For those who are searching to understand it theologically, you can find an explanation in the Catechism of the Catholic Church, but I learned long ago that while “head” knowledge is a vital part of our spiritual growth, that knowledge sometimes doesn’t translate into transforming the thoughts, words and actions in our daily life so we become more like Jesus. And what I was blessed […]

To Pray Always, You Start By Praying Daily

Was just reading a great article by Connie Rossini entitled, Praying Always and Set Times of Prayer, and she pointed out the fact that many people will substitute the idea of “praying always” (off and on throughout the day) in lieu of establishing a habit of daily mental prayer. Connie makes an accurate observation here, but her article caused me to reflect upon WHY this normally happens, as well as what is the ONE thing that we can do to change this situation in our lives forever. First, the why. It’s actually fairly simple, LIFE. Although simple, the reasons can […]

St Monica, Pray for Us!

Today’s memorial of St Monica particularly tugs at my heart because our three sons in their own ways are not as close to Jesus as I would desire for them. Am fairly certain that ALL parents have desires for their children that have yet to come to fruition. Therefore, we can probably identify with St Monica’s deepest desire and longing for her son, St Augustine, to come to know the reason for her (and our!) hope and joy–Jesus Christ. On a personal note, my prayers (and tears) are similar ones for our sons–that not only may they come to know […]

We Should Fight to Stop Fighting

One of my favorite spiritual authors is Father Jacques Philippe, a member of the Community of the Beatitudes in France. The members of the Community are from all states of life–married and non-married laity, priests, religious, consecrated virgins–and are actively engaged in the service of the poor and proclamation of the Gospel while living a contemplative vocation based on Carmelite spirituality. I have been blessed to have been on a retreat with Fr Jacques as retreat master, and I can attest to the profound wisdom he shares clearly and simply about growing in your interior life of prayer and meditation. […]

The Foundation Of All Things

Yesterday, I shared the 4 Simple Steps to Holiness, and promised that I would elaborate about each of the steps in the days ahead, so today I will talk a bit more about the foundation of all things in the spiritual life–daily prayer and meditation. Time with our Lord is the key if we are going to be transformed into saints. Why? Pretty simple. You become who you spend time with. We all know that we are influenced by our environment–the people, places and things that we are surrounded by, day in, day out. For example, you want to become […]