No End to the Overflowing and Abundant Graces

I have now been blogging daily for more than a month (actually 38 days!) and I am in awe at how our Lord has sustained and helped me in this endeavor–just as He said he would when I first committed to 30 days straight.

I admit that my hesitancy to a daily writing commitment was partially a fear that I wouldn’t be able to have anything to say, but also because I was forgetting that God is the One in charge to begin with! LOL

But my willingness to trust and step out in faith has resulted by my life being flooded by graces and blessings.

Some of those have been:

The numerous and kind words shared with me by my readers…

Seeing the practice of writing become an ingrained habit that is now firmly entrenched in the midst of my day…

The realization that God is truly in charge as He provided topics and ideas which I wasn’t planning to write about, but later discovered were exactly the topics that a reader needed to hear that day…

His providing strong and unflinching evidence (and opportunity as I have secured a publisher!) that He desires for me to write a book sharing the need to “Say Yes” to a life of purpose, peace and abundance, along with my mentoring and evangelization ministry tools, particularly for use in the effort to form life-long Christian disciples…

And many other overflowing and abundant graces–with no end in sight.

So as I draw close to the 40 day mark (especially important from a Scriptural perspective as 40 days tends to be the usual amount of time God uses to take His people off into the desert to form them), it has become clear that our Lord is now asking me to settle into a little different rhythm.

One part of this rhythm is to reduce the frequency of my blog posting to only 2-3 times a week to allow me to allot dedicated time to writing my book.

Another is that I hope to introduce you to some of my friends by doing interviews with them and sharing their insights and projects, alongside my own, on topics that I am passionate about.

But the last piece of this rhythm has to do with what YOU, my readers, would like for me to write and share about.

During these last weeks, I hope I have given you insight into some of my thoughts, ideas, interests and activities, and would love to know what else you might be interested in my writing and sharing about.

So, please share those ideas with me by simply leaving a comment, messaging me via FB Messenger, or send an email directly at:

I look forward to hearing from you, and hope to see you on the Way in the weeks and months ahead.