Say Yes to Holiness Newsletter #24

For your inspiration and encouragement on the journey towards holiness, here is…

Say Yes to Holiness Newsletter #24

Greetings, my Fellow Pilgrims on the Way!

Food for the Head
“We can’t have full knowledge all at once. We must start by believing; then afterwards we may be led on to master the evidence for ourselves.” — St. Thomas Aquinas

The spiritual life is the journey of a lifetime. It takes days and months and years of striving to grow in knowledge and understanding, but it begins with a simple act of faith. It is only after we profess our belief that Jesus then works in our hearts and minds, and growing in knowledge and understanding of the mysteries of the faith is no different.

This week, make an Act of Faith that God Grant’s you the wisdom needed to attempt to grow in understanding of the mysteries of faith.

Food for the Heart

“If your whole life is a free, joyous welcoming of His love and a laborious, patient seeking of his face, alone with the One, you will be able to stand before him like a true child, and in your heart the Spirit of his only Son will cry out: Abba! Father!”—The Jerusalem Community Rule of Life

This week, make an Act of Hope that God will grant you the grace of a heart that is open, receptive and joyous to His love.

Food for the Hands

“To put into practice the teachings of our holy faith, it is not enough to convince ourselves that they are true; we must love them. Love united to faith makes us practise our religion.” — St. Alphonsus LiguoriIt is not enough to believe the truth of the faith, we need to love it so we are given the strength to live it.

This week, make an Act of Love asking for the grace to persevere in living out the faith in your daily life.

Food for the Feet

“Whenever anything disagreeable or displeasing happens to you, remember Christ crucified and be silent.”— St. John of the Cross

This week, if you find yourself getting ready to complain about something that is disagreeable or displeasing, practice the 4 S’s instead—Stop. Silence. Swallow. Suffer.

Did You Know?

“Three things are necessary to everyone: truth of faith which brings understanding, love of Christ which brings compassion, and endurance of hope which brings perseverance.” — St. Bonaventure


Do whatever it takes.

And tell the Master of Death, NOT TODAY.

God bless each one of you, and I look forward to seeing you on the Way soon!

All the best,



PS-Just as a reminder, if you are looking for an EXCELLENT meditative rosary, you can sign up here for one led by Dr Michael Scherschligt at the Holy Family School of Faith

PPS—If you are finding this newsletter to be of help to you, please share it with a friend. Am firmly convinced that there is NOTHING better than helping a friend make a small change to help them grow in holiness, so if this has been shared with you and you want to sign up to receive it directly to your own inbox, just go to the www.sayyestoholiness.comwebsite, and click on the Newsletter signup link