spiritual warfare

2 posts

7 Weapons You Need To Be Capable of Victory In Any Spiritual Battle-Connections Between Faith and Daily Life YouTube Series

Hello! This week’s addition to the Connections Between Faith and Daily Life YouTube series shares the 7 weapons that you need to go about cultivating in your life so you are capable of being victorious in any spiritual battle you may encounter during this Lenten season and throughout your life. Enjoy watching, “7 Weapons You Need To Be Capable of Victory In Any Spiritual Battle” This week’s video highlights the 7 weapons you need to be able to fight any spiritual battle–prayer, Holy Eucharist, Reconciliation, Generous Spirit of mortification, humility of heart, sincerity and honesty with your spiritual director, and […]

Spiritual Warfare And Discernment of Spirits

Hey, Everyone! Just concluded a wonderful two day retreat and when I returned home to checked email tonight, was super excited to see the following… The new book is by Dan Burke, founder of Spiritualdirection.com as well as the Avila Institute, and author of Journey to God and Into the Deep. The description of the book from the Amazon sales page states: “With this book as your guide, you’ll grow in strength and contentment as you learn: How to take captive every negative thought and make it obedient to Christ St. Ignatius’s revelations exposing how the Devil seeks to influence […]