Daily Archives: January 4, 2022

1 post

“Our Desperate Need for God One Day At A Time–Conversation with Scott Weeman, Catholic in Recovery, Episode #104 Say Yes to Holiness Podcast

This week’s Say Yes to Holiness podcast 1:1 Conversation is with Scott Weeman of Catholic in Recovery.  Scott is the founder of Catholic in Recovery, a nonprofit organization that seeks to serve those suffering from addictions and unhealthy attachments (including alcoholism, drug addiction, pornography addiction, sex and relationship addiction, compulsive overeating and food addictions, gambling addiction, codependency and the impact on family, and general fear, control, and anxiety).   Our conversation revolved around Scott’s personal story and how his journey became the launching point for the Catholic in Recovery movement that now accompanies thousands of people across the world.  Listen to:  […]