This latest Say Yes to Holiness 1 on 1 Conversation podcast episode is with Rhonda Gruenewald, founder of and author of two books, Hundredfold and The Harvest. This conversation was very timely, especially as Worldwide Priesthood Sunday is occurring the weekend of September 25-26.
During our conversation, Rhonda and I spoke about the challenges inherent in discerning a vocation as well as how to go about promoting a culture of vocations–be it in a family, parish, school, or someone’s personal life. And for me, it came down to an attitude that can be captured in one word–intentionality.
Listen to:

Rhonda is a full-time wife and mother of two teenagers, and converted to the faith thanks to her husband of 19 years, David. Prior to volunteering in the field of vocations, she graduated from the University of Texas in Austin and taught English, speech, and debate at a public high school for 6 years. Rhonda converted to Catholicism in 1999 and became active in parish life at St. Cecilia Catholic Church in Houston, Texas.
Vocation Ministry has worked with more than 6,000 vocation promotors and ministries nationwide with that number increasing each year. “The demand is there,” says Rhonda. “People everywhere are passionate about increasing and nurturing vocations. I see it all over the country. This passion stems not only from a desire to foster more healthy vocations, but truly from people’s love for Christ and his Church. The Church of tomorrow already exists – we just have to begin to awaken it!”
Rhonda wrote Hundredfold: A Guide to Parish Vocation Ministry and its accompanying resource book and developed the website to provide information, activities, and inspiration for anyone seeking to establish or revive a vocation ministry.
The goal of Hundredfold: A Guide to Parish Vocation Ministry and is to provide information, activities, and inspiration to anyone starting, reviving, or refreshing a Vocation Ministry, and to make those ministries thrive. It is designed to inspire parishes to get involved in vocation work, to help new ministries start strong by providing a clear guide to the nuts and bolts of the ministry and to reinvigorate long-standing committees with fresh ideas that attract new workers to his vineyard. Now, the website and the book are in Spanish, too, as Sembrando Semillas.
Her latest book, The Harvest: A Guide to Vocation Ministry in Education, is a 200-page comprehensive guide that provides practical advice and inspiration, including 75 impactful activities, easily implemented in classroom settings. This ground-breaking approach will give our Catholic educators the resources needed to positively affect the Church and our youth for generations to come.
As author and founder of Vocation Ministry, a 501 c3 nonprofit, Rhonda has been showcased on EWTN Live with Fr. Mitch Pacwa, SJ, Sirius/XM Catholic Radio Seize the Day with Gus Lloyd and the Busted Halo Show, and it was a great joy to have her on the Say Yes to Holiness podcast.
Check out the episode here:
I thoroughly enjoyed this conversation with Rhonda, and I pray you receive much hope, inspiration and encouragement as I did so you may continue doing WHATEVER IT TAKES to become the saint you were created to be each and every day of your life by praying for, inviting and encouraging others to do the same!
You can also check out the podcast interview here on the Say Yes to Holiness YouTube channel
If you missed the last Say Yes to Holiness podcast episode, you can find it here:
Episode #87–Finding True Rest In The Midst Of Our Daily Lives”
To connect with Rhonda, go to:
Thanks for your support, and hope you join me for additional conversations again soon!
If you enjoyed this podcast, make sure to subscribe and share on Apple, Spotify or Anchor!
Christina Semmens is a Roman Catholic author, speaker, and coach and host of the Say Yes to Holiness podcast. She currently lives in Fort Payne, Alabama where she strives to live out a life of authentic discipleship in the pursuit of holiness while empowering, teaching and accompanying others in striving to do the same.
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