Are You Using Your Time Well?

“It is not that we have so little time, but that we have wasted so much of it.” —Seneca

Time is short.

We all know this, but are we living out this knowledge?

Especially when we look at our daily life?

But even more so, how well are we living the time we have been given to become who God created us to be?

Or another way to look at it–how well are we patterning our lives on the Gospel?

  • Are we practicing the 4 steps? Daily prayer and meditation, living a lite of grace through frequent reception of the sacraments, striving to grow daily in virtue and abandoning ourselves to God’s will?
  • Are we open to learning and being shaped by Jesus through Sacred Scripture and spending the time necessary by meditating upon Scripture?
  • Are we seeking to immerse ourselves in the heart and mind of the Church through her Sacred Tradition—especially through the Catechism and the wisdom of the saints?
  • Are we surrounding ourselves with others who are on the journey towards holiness? Are we spending significant time with others who are passionate about seeking holiness?
  • Are we receiving spiritual direction from a person trained in the ways of the spiritual life and are pursuing that way for themselves?
  • Have we set aside worldly values—the temptations to cultivate power, fame and fortune? Or are we pursuing things that will fade away by seeking more, doing more, and having more?
  • Are we seeking to create space for silence and solitude? Are we seeking to offer our entire selves to the whatever work in the vineyard that God has placed before us?
  • Are we living from a place of scarcity or abundance? Is gratitude our first response in the face of any challenge or difficulty?

If these questions resonate, then it’s a good sign that the Holy Spirit is inviting you deeper into the life you were created for—a life of purpose, peace and abundance.

Because when we seek to conform our lives to the Gospel, then we become the saints God created us to be.

But we tend not to do the things necessary, do we?

For example, how many times have you said something like…

“I wish I had more time to _____________.”

Regardless of our season in life, “We all get what we tolerate,” to quote Tony Robbins.

What that means simply is that whatever is taking up your time now and is preventing you from, say, seeking to deepen your prayer life or become a better disciple is the result of choices you’ve made.

Harsh? Yep. But true.

But it IS possible to reprioritize and to work to make these changes in our lives.

We just have to begin.

The month of November is the end of our liturgical Church year, and Advent not only marks the beginning of our preparation for the coming of Christ, but also is the start of a new year.

A chance for us to begin the work of laying a foundation that will result in 2022 being one of our best years ever.

In the end, “finding” time isn’t the issue.

We actually have all the time we need.

It’s simply a matter of intention.

It’s about choosing to make use of the time we do have over doing something else.

We have to SAY YES and begin.

To that end, I am super excited by the opportunity that I am currently working hard on that I will be inviting you to consider in the next couple of days.

It contains a simple practice that will take you less than 5 minutes a day, but will provide innumerable benefits for helping you eventually conform your life to Gospel and become the saint you were created to be.

Plus, regardless of where you are on your journey, it will help you set a strong foundation that will then launch you into fully living the life God created you for–a life of purpose, peace and abundance.

So, keep an eye out for that invitation in the next couple of days, and keep striving to do WHATEVER IT TAKES to use your time well, so together we can tell the Master of Death, “NOT TODAY!”

Christina Semmens is a Roman Catholic author, speaker, and coach and host of the Say Yes to Holiness podcast. She currently lives in Fort Payne, Alabama where she strives to live out a life of authentic discipleship in the pursuit of holiness while empowering, teaching and accompanying others in striving to do the same.

And if you want to SAY YES and stop putting off until tomorrow what your heart is yearning for today, then take the first step and set up a free consultation call with Christina TODAY!