We all have done things that we are ashamed of. I know I sure have. The things that when we look back, we go, “Man, I TOTALLY messed that up!” Or maybe it’s just little stuff like getting impatient with someone who is driving too slowly and we flip them a not so kind hand gesture, or we speak harshly words to our son when he interrupts what we are doing when all he wants to do is share his enthusaism about something he just learned or did.
And in the process of those big and small failures, a level of shame often comes that, at times, can be overwhelming, and in response, we run and hide.
Maybe not literally, like little kids do, but we DO hide.

As adults, our hiding places just arent’s necessarily as easily distinguishable.
We hide in our work, in our hobbies, in social media, movies, books, music, video games. Or maybe we are hiding in somewhat stronger pursuits like drinking, adventure seeking, dangerous relationships or law breaking activities.
A lot of pain needs a lot of hiding, doesn’t it?
But there is an answer to all that pain.
There is a way to let go of all the shame.
This short video is one of the best ones that I have seen that shows what is possible when we turn to the very One who loves us beyond measure. I hope you give yourself the gift of the ten minutes it takes to watch it.
I can guarantee that you won’t regret it. Because the answer has a name.
“Lump” YouTube video
If this is something that touched your heart, then come and join the Say Yes to Holiness TODAY Masterclass that is going on this week. Each day, I share about how you can put first things first in your life and jumpstart your spiritual life. If this is something that stirs your heart, click here and come join us.

Christina Semmens is a Roman Catholic author of the soon to be published book, Say Yes: Discovering Purpose, Peace and Abundance in Daily Life, as well as speaker, coach and host of the Say Yes to Holiness podcast. She currently lives in Fort Payne, Alabama where she strives to live out a life of authentic discipleship in the pursuit of holiness while empowering, teaching and accompanying others in striving to do the same.
If you want to learn more about how to embrace the life God created you for and discover more purpose, peace and abundance in your daily life, then make sure to join me during the week of April 20th for the SAY YES TO HOLINESS TODAY Masterclass Workshop. To get more information, either send a direct message to @sayyestoholiness on Facebook, or send an email to: christinasemmens@gmail.com.
You can also Text to Join the email list by texting SAYYESTOHOLINESS to 66866 or sign up for the weekly Say Yes to Holinessnewsletter here. You can also listen to the Say Yes to Holiness podcast or learn more about her ministry efforts at: www.sayyestoholiness.com and www.christinasemmens.com