
387 posts

FB Live Event THIS Thursday (May 2nd) at 7:30pm–“How to Live the Extraordinary Graces of Easter”

A reminder that my next Facebook Live Event, “How to Live the Extraordinary Graces of Easter” is THIS Thursday, May 2nd at 7:30pm CST. Simply go to the @sayyestoholiness page on Facebook, and you should see the Live stream of the event at 7:30pm. Hope you can join me!

Making the Most Out of Our Monday

Happy Monday of the 2nd week of Easter! Had a full and busy few weekend that was bookended by two of the most anticipated pop culture events in the last decade as I went and saw Avengers: End Game… …and then watched the living battle the Night King and his army of the dead in the Battle of Winterfell in the final season of the Game of Thrones. So as to not give away any spoilers for those of you who may not have seen one or the other, let me simply share that in both of these stories, all […]

Open the Floodgates of Divine Mercy!

Today, as we celebrate Divine Mercy Sunday, am sharing this beautiful reflection written by Dr Anthony Lilles that was posted over on who explains not only WHAT Divine Mercy is, but also WHY we should celebrate it and HOW we should respond to this great gift. Enjoy, and see you on the Way later this week!

It’s Easter! So What Now? Getting Clear on Who We Are and What We are Called To Be During The Easter Season

Happy Easter! In fact, we are celebrating the Easter Octave all week–leading right up to Divine Mercy Sunday! So may the peace, joy and hope of the the Resurrection of Our Lord, Jesus Christ be with you today and always. Alleluia! Alleluia! Now that Lent is over though, you might be wondering, what’s next? How do I maintain the spiritual momentum I developed during Lent? Most days, we seem to live life in what seem to be “grey” areas, and it’s difficult to know if you’re doing well as a spouse, parent, friend, or a person. But if you are […]

GUEST POST: Hear His Voice And “Re-Turn” To The Lord

As we celebrate the Easter Octave, I wanted to share a reflection written by Eileen Keller, a friend from the Diocese of Charleston, SC, who has some beautiful advice about how we can continue to live out the joy, hope and peace of Easter. Enjoy! The Gospel of John 20:11-18 tells the account from Resurrection morning, where Mary Magdalene sits at the empty tomb, weeping in her grief.  John tells us Jesus spoke and twice she turned.  You could say she turned and re-turned.  She didn’t recognize him.  It was only when the second time he spoke to her that she heard him say her name, “Mary”, that she […]

Only 15 Days Left For Joan of Arc Comic Book Kickstarter Campaign!

Hey, Everyone! In case you were not aware, I am a HUGE fan of the work being done over at Voyage Comics. I made mention of one of their previous projects, The Monks of Skellig Michael, in a post a few weeks ago. (You can click here to see that post–Star Wars, Hope and Holy Week) Therefore, I wanted to share this message I received from Philip Kosloski about their latest project–a Joan of Arc comic book! If you are like me, you know how vitally important it is to support authentically Catholic projects that can inspire the hearts and […]

Happy Easter! Our Lord IS Risen! Alleluia! Alleluia!

Happy Easter! The day is here! Our Lord IS Risen today! As you celebrate this great day, hopefully with your family and friends, I invite you to spend the less than 15 minutes it will take for you to listen to this MAGNIFICENT Easter message from Bishop Robert Barron. Bishop Barron nails it (pun intended!), and gives us three beautiful lessons for why this day should be the foundation of everything we do each and every day. Enjoy this joyous day, and know of my prayers for you as I look forward to seeing you along the Way soon! […]

“Awake, O Sleeper! Arise from Your Sleep!”and “Get On Board, Little Children, There’s Room For Many A’more”

On this Holy Saturday, as we wait in silence by the tomb of our Lord, it can be difficult to understand that Jesus is actually still going about the work of His Father today. In fact, I would argue that the work He is “doing” today is just as important as the work He did leading up to His Passion and death–the work of bringing about the redemption of everyone. Yes, that’s right. Everyone. Because today, Jesus has “descended into hell.” This ancient homily from the 2nd century explains exactly what the Lord’s Descent into Hell did, as Jesus proclaims […]

Spy Wednesday, Gollum, Judas, and Our Choices

Today is Wednesday of Holy Week, also traditionally known as “Spy Wednesday”, because this is the day that we read the Gospel account of Judas’s betrayal. I also read a brilliant article entitled,“How Judas is the Gollum of the Gospels” written by Philip Kosloski in which he presents a great case that Gollum represents the disciple, Judas, in the great fantasy epic, The Lord of the Rings, written by J.R.R. Tolkien. Thinking further about the comparison of Gollum and Judas, I soberly realized that I can be a lot like Gollum, pursuing “my precious” (be it a promotion, a degree, […]

Star Wars, Hope, and Holy Week

Ok, folks, I am just going to go all “fanboy” on you all for a moment, because I am ABSOLUTELY pumped after seeing the new Star Wars Episode IX trailer! (I included the link at the bottom of my post in case you haven’t seen it yet) Anyway, I have been a HUGE Star Wars fan since 1980 when I first saw The Empire Strikes Back. (That’s right, I didn’t see the original Star Wars movie until after I saw Empire, but that was because back “in the day”, you didn’t have the ability to watch a movie if you […]