I recently came across this prayer entitled, “Slow Me Down, Lord” sent out in an email from US Catholic, and wanted to share with each of you: Slow Me Down, Lord Slow me down, Lord, slow me down! Ease the pounding of my heart by the quieting of my mind. Give me amid the confusion of my day the calmness of the everlasting hills. Break the tensions of my nerves and muscles with soothing music of the singing stream that lives in my memory. Help me to know the magical restoring power of sleep. Teach me the art of taking […]
Hard to believe that in the aftermath of Christmas (I still don’t have my Christmas decorations put away!), that the beginning of Lent, Ash Wednesday, is only 6 weeks away. However, it’s never too early to prepare to make a phenomenal journey to grow closer to God and become more like Jesus, so wanted go share one of the books that I intend to use in my own Lenten journey. That book is entitled, “Lenten Journey with Mother Mary” by Fr Edward Looney. In short, the book takes you through Lent by having us in the first week, look to […]
Just wanted to pass on two PHENOMENAL opportunities for your consideration in case you live ANYWHERE in/around the Atlanta area. Dr Mike Scherschligt (whose daily rosary meditation podcast I HIGHLY recommend), and Dr Troy Hinkle of the Holy Family School of Faith located in the Archdiocese of Kansas City, Kansas are the main speakers for both a women’s retreat day and a men’s morning of recollection. Both opportunities are happening at Holy Trinity Catholic Church the weekend of February 8th and 9th. Saturday, February 8th is a retreat day for women, and there is both an English and Spanish track. […]
This is a wonderful (and super short!) podcast that offers a daily reflection on the Gospel of the day. Enjoy (and thanks for the recommendation Beth!) Also, if you would, please offer prayers for me as I lead a formation day for a local community, particularly that I serve as a good instrument of Holy Spirit so that power and authority of HIS Word may be shared today and much fruit be the result in the lives of all who gather today. Keep doing whatever it takes to grow closer to God and become more like Jesus so you can […]
On this Feast of the Baptism of our Lord, we are also asked to reflect upon the day that we were baptized into the divine life. For many of us, we may not remember the day, but I do—Easter Vigil, March 25, 1989. It was the day that I was also received into full communion with the Catholic Church, and received Holy Eucharist for the first time. For me, a person who has little biological family (I am the only child of an only child of an only child), the biggest feeling I remember is that that I felt like […]
One of the greatest challenges we have in life is to find the place where we belong and to live authentically. This phenomenal podcast explores both. Brene Brown is one of the best out there discussing vulnerability, while Lewis Howes is always pursuing what it takes to live a life of authenticity. Enjoy! https://lewishowes.com/podcast/r-brene-brown-create-true-belonging-and-heal-the-world/
Hey, Everyone! Just concluded a wonderful two day retreat and when I returned home to checked email tonight, was super excited to see the following… The new book is by Dan Burke, founder of Spiritualdirection.com as well as the Avila Institute, and author of Journey to God and Into the Deep. The description of the book from the Amazon sales page states: “With this book as your guide, you’ll grow in strength and contentment as you learn: How to take captive every negative thought and make it obedient to Christ St. Ignatius’s revelations exposing how the Devil seeks to influence […]
Came across this short post about what TRUE self-care looks like for those of us striving to grow closer to God and become more like Jesus. Great things to meditate and reflect upon! http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001sbC2Ys_l_b4d1bAnOXr68-sIOkRnlsKsSrWtExmK3WOz4uWTtmZpP6HM68Dv3DijHZymS2h9AcxMuKZ4FTVXbaXks-Ip7KgpIQIiJwe5QBySjdaO5Wk1KqghCsSqGsKNv5brBzuP394T3Jj2Y_dtbwHXxaKzj9goBlH_eNct5MccLFVVBpkWrw==&c=J0ezP9YDarg_kyaC8GEmP1nP8guvLM0ZSGy3N2jQT0BSeHVoqLZdsA==&ch=4BMtHC3uAZxd1oKO1pBbGTE3vAp1vF-nuK7Gcv2D_GVoV6QEgcS-Og==
In light of being diagnosed today with strep, this thought posted initially on my Instagram wall pretty much sums up what I am trying to do in the midst of this event that I do not like, did not choose and can not change. Lord Jesus, I surrender everything to you. Take care of everything! Keep doing whatever it takes to grow closer to God and become more like Jesus so you can tell the Master of Death, not today! Christina Semmens is a Roman Catholic author, blogger, speaker and mentor. She currently lives in Fort Payne, Alabama where she […]
For those of you who may not already be a part of my email list, wanted to share my weekly newsletter with you here on my blog in order to inspire and encourage you on the journey to holiness… The Say Yes to Holiness Newsletter #40 Greetings, my Fellow Pilgrims on the Way and may the peace of the Epiphany be with you! We are still in the midst of the Christmas season having just celebrated the great feasts of Mary, Mother of God, and the Epiphany, but still have another one ahead–we celebrate the Baptism of our Lord (and […]