One positive of still recovering from COVID was the opportunity to watch the Broadway play, now turned movie, Hamilton: An American Musical, at two different points over the holiday weekend. I first had the privilege two summers ago in Atlanta when the Broadway show went on the road, and just like when I experienced it live, the movie of the taped musical was just as powerful. For those of you who might have missed all the theatrical hubbub over the last four years, Hamilton tells the story of American Founding Father Alexander Hamilton. Wikipedia adds that the play was inspired by the […]
Last month before I became sick I was able to have a most wonderful conversation with the great people at Families of Character, an organization committed to providing families the best tools to make home the most loving and unified place for children to grow. The goal is for them to understand that even if their family life feels off course or divided, change is always possible. As we prepare to head into the Fourth of July weekend–one of the most family focused holidays of our country, I thought this would be a wonderful time to share this episode with […]
I believe in the good things coming… This week, as I have been trying to simply be present and endure the COVID induced haze of ridiculous tiredness and lack of ability to focus, God brought across my path the music of Nakho and Medicine for the People (thanks, Jenny Blake at Pivot podcast for the interview!), and like so many that apparently have come before me, have latched on to his alternative blend of music, especially, “Black as Night.” Nahko is an Oregon-native born of a mix of Puerto Rican, Native American, and Filipino bloodlines, and considers himself a citizen […]
From the depths of my COVID induced brain fog, I tried to shared some Food for the Head, Heart, Hands and Feet to help inspire, encourage and nourish you for the journey. Hope you find the conversation to be of benefit as each of us strives to try and do God’s will each day! Episode 28–Brain Fog or Wisdom for the Journey? My Best Attempt at the Later Christina Semmens is a Roman Catholic author, speaker, and coach and host of the Say Yes to Holiness podcast. She currently lives in Fort Payne, Alabama where she strives to live out […]
In the last two weeks, I have been fighting the COVID-19 virus, and subsequently, I have gotten WAY behind on releasing the numerous podcasts that I had gotten done in the wake of the Say Yes to Holiness Summit. Beginning today, I am going to attempt to release one podcast episode a day–either from Summit podcast interviews, or my own Say Yes to Holiness podcasts. My prayer is that you find each of the podcast episodes to be of great encouragement, inspiration and support in the midst of the continuing pandemic and in your pursuit of holiness. Today’s episode with […]
Niccie Kliegl is an author, speaker and Certified Life Coach with a passion for helping others reach life fulfillment, to live healthy, complete, and balanced lives that are prosperous and faith-infused. She understands the dilemma of striving to be great in one area of your life – at the cost of another. She knows that true peace and contentment come from finding a healthy balance of all areas of your life, with faith being the foundation, and that is what she strives to share with others. The concept of her personal coaching program, Fulfill Your Legacy, is built around the understanding that […]
Greetings! I pray this finds each of you safe and healthy this weekend despite the dramatic increase in COVID-19 cases in many states across the United States. Here is Episode 27 of the Say Yes to Holiness podcast which is entitled, “What Can I Start Doing Today To Help Change The World?” In this episode, I provide food for the head, heart, hands and feet to nourish, encourage and hopefully, inspire you as to what we can be doing to help change the world. Enjoy the episode, and know of my continued prayers for each of you in our pursuit […]
Dr. Jim Henry is an author, speaker and pastoral minister who served as part of a discussion panels during the Say Yes to Holiness Transformation Online Summit held May 19-22, 2020. Jim is the Founder & Creator of The Life Givers Network®. His primary objective is to provide every person diagnosed with a life-threatening or life- altering illness an opportunity to experience abundant life, no matter how severe the diagnosis or how poor the prognosis. Although the Life Givers Network is based in New Jersey, the organization just went through an extensive overhaul of their online presence so as to […]
Deanna Bartalini is an author, speaker and pastoral minister who was served as one of the discussion panels of the Say Yes to Holiness Transformation Online Summit held May 19-22, 2020. In this special episode of the Say Yes to Holiness podcast, which is part of the Summit Speaker 1 on 1 Interview Series, Christina and Deanna continue the conversation begun during the Say Yes Summit and highlight Deanna’s efforts to give people what they need to live a life of abundance. For Deanna, she shared that it’s about sharing the truth, beauty and goodness of our faith and how […]
In the wake of George Floyd’s tragic death at the hands of police officers on May 25 in Minnesota, there has been outrage, horror, and anger by Americans—and rightly so. Additionally, these feelings have been coupled with an outpouring of solidarity that has taken the form of street protests for more than ten days across the United States in recognition of the need for a change to the horrendous reality that people of color, especially black Americans, must survive each day. This call for stopping, and to change what is unjustly an all too common experience—a person of color being […]